Archive for the Politics Category

Dominance Games: A smack in the face

Posted in Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, Politics with tags , , , , on September 6, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

A smack in the face.  A slap upside the head.  A full roundhouse with mean results.  A shiv in the gut.  A two by four backside the ribs.  A cinder block to crack the back.  The lullaby of broad swords.

The cries in the night of the broken and humbled.  The whimpers of the weak and scared.  Kill wise, street wise .. street smarts, street justice, street rules.  Sainted politics unbridled, unhinged, unwanted, unapologetic.  Screw civility, decency, respect.  This is America, the land of freedom, of rugged individualism, of hard knocks, of mean enemies.  This is America, land of tough as nails, go damned hard and mean for it, hell or be damned.  This is America, the right place, the right time, the right way to take a buck, break a rival, play the ponies, capture the flag.  This is America…cry and be damned.  Go to mommy and the sob sisters of poor little you.

Walk down the street, get mugged.  Tough.  Walk up the street, get jumped and dragged into the weeds.  Tough.  Stand on the corner and try to find your way…get sideswiped by a truck.  Mean  guys are in the games with the big prizes.  Street wise punks had better get wiser still.  Those who deplore the streets are red meat.

Cry the poor little put upon weak politicians.

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: It’s the politics stupid

Posted in Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, Politics with tags , , , , , on September 6, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

So, what enthralls us going forward into glorious autumn?

It’s the politics stupid.  It’s the show, the sun, the cheap saloons, the stunts, the runts, the rascals, the clowns.  It’s the villains, the scum, the lords, the masters.

It’s the politics stupid.  It’s the talk, the squawk, the spies, the lies, the sins, the spins, the sprinkles of dew.  It’s the politics stupid.  The rants, the raves, the prancers, the dancers.  The running of the bulls, the choirs of the night, the messengers from god, the songs from mammon, the hateful hates, the favorite sons, the favorite guns, the favorite suns.

It’s the politics stupid.  The steady haze, the frosty glare, the wistful sneer, the true beliefs.  It’s the politics stupid.  The holy rollers, the holy redeemers, the Knights Templars, the rats in a cage.

It’s the selling of the trolls, the souls, the buying of the betrayals of loves, the pandering to fish, the abstinence from thought, the self love of self involvement, of self absorption, self decapitation, self promotion, selves wonderful.

It’s the politics stupid.  The charm, the grace, the criers, the buyers, the deniers, the crowds.  It’s the politics stupid.  The flames, the games, the foibles, the trips.  Its the traps, the plays, the bathos, the pathos, the dirty little limericks, the fretful little brows.

It’s the politics stupid.  The incoherent thoughts of incoherent fools and dead folk out for a stroll.  It’s the politics stupid. The demon’s dance, the mysteries of life, the gifts of light.

Minds working, smoking, seeking, praying, straying, gone.  It’s the politics stupid. It’s the angels dancing, promises lost, hearts broken.

It’s the politics stupid.  The end of the line, the rules of the game, the never ending chance to never seek redemption.

Of note:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: The rotten entertainment of cystic scum

Posted in Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, Politics with tags , , , , , on September 3, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

Drug Cartels funding anti drug campaigns.   Political power players funding laws destabilizing the disenfranchised.   Those able to manipulate smaller governing bodies favoring anti intrusive small government.  Anti government infrastructure movements not wishing money to go to unions.  Avowed anti capitalists wishing controls over the work force.

Shadow boxing is always shadow boxing.  Tactics are always tactics.  Strategy is always strategy.  When logic is insufficient in explaining the lack of common sense based outcomes and policies money and power lead the way.  When practicality of action and result gets swamped in a morass money and power hoe the road.  When suckers get suckered against their own best interests and they are sold the lie, buy the fiction, are put on the market to be bought and sold as the chattel they are, they screech mightily with the joys of groveling pigs.

Big interests have big interests, do things quietly when then can, loudly when they must.  Fools have big interests, get played all the time, believe that the interests of the interested who are ready, willing and able to swat them down.  The poor put upon feel that the interests of their betters coincide with the interest of the suckers who are fed peanuts and given bread and circuses.  Poor drab little lives…. sell what there is of a soul for the rotten entertainment of cystic scum.

of note:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: Degenerative politics

Posted in Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, Politics with tags , , , , , on September 3, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

Degenerative politics and lack of reason based dialogue or policies aimed at a broadening of the base of those with a stake in participatory democracy leads quite naturally and quite rationally to politics based upon the obtaining of  the love of the more and most virulent of peoples,  to going after those few pickings left to be had in ways worthy of necessary survival.

The lesser pies, the lesser options for thought, for belonging, for cultural inclusions, for paths  to worthwhile labor, worthwhile opportunity, education, realistic sustainable markets with money, are all there to be met with deadening dismissiveness by those who wish only their accruals of the powers available.

As it is always in such things use of power for power’s sake is an end unto itself.  The more firmly based on doctrinaire, unquestioning thought a system may become, the more prone it is to be mastered by those whose strategy is the imposition of stringent rules of behavior, stringent rules for thought, more purity of vision, more muscling out of opposition in the name of holy virtue.  The game goes always here to the muscle, the power.  The rewards go to the partisans, the toadies.  The system goes the way of all such systems …to the dogs of war, the dogs of rulers of might, the dogs of unreasoned arbitrary law.

The power to maximize the shrinking collateral-able resources of a bankrupt society is always the aim of the rats who cannot leave a sinking ship.  Strength and intellectual thuggery is always the unthuggish currency, the be all and end all.  The rest is all dressed up as excuse.

of note:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: Education

Posted in current events, dominance, Education, News, opinion, Politics with tags , , , , , , , on August 30, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

Why battle over eduction?  The students are studious.  The teachers are teacherous.  The sharp know it all reformers are treacherous.  The politicians  are unfathomable.  The talkers hate public anything.

Teaching is such an easy rewording job that its an accomplishment to get a new one to last three years.  Teaching is such n easy rewarding b that millions will be streaming into its ranks so that they get get dumped upon, lose union rights, be at the mercy of political hacks and education Nazis.  Go work for people who hate you, devalue you, take away a your autonomy in the classroom, know better than you how to do your job, want to make points over and over again with geniuses who don’t give a damn about learning , education, enlightenment…. who are agenda junkies who never met a whipping boy they didn’t love.

Its the power brokers stupid.  Its the movement for dubious reforms stupid.  Its the hate of unions stupid.  Its the devaluation of any thing smacking of liberal arts stupid.  Its the disrespect for science stupid.  Its the control of the curriculum stupid.  Its about as much about the children as being bout the children can be when being about the children is being about the their nonenlightenment an stultification.  Its about the hacks stupid.  Always about the hacks.

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: Poor

Posted in Commentary, dominance, News, opinion, Politics with tags , , , , , on August 28, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

It is good to be poor.  Be poor and the whole world beats a path to your door.  The non poor cant but get through a day without fixating on the drag you are on their lives, their taxes, their economy, the pristine glamor of the existence they aspire to and envision.  The non poor with a heart can use you to beat over the heads the heartless clods who know that you steal from them and give back nothing in return but mean stares and intimidating walks.

So much energy fixating on the failure of the poor not to be poor, the failure of the poor not to aspire to a well placed job merely at the poverty level.  And the poor pay no taxes…..they don’t pay their fair share. of their fair wages….they don’t appreciate that those who are not poor are better than they are and have no obligation to help them.   Charity is for those so inclined…not for those who only must take care of their own…..

The social contract… I will be poor and accept it if I think it is a fairly fair distribution of goods and services and if you, you rotten bastards who despise me are strong enough, have force enough for me to accept my lot.   I am poor because I cant find a good, workable way out.  Lazy is as lazy does.  Travel in my shoes you who are better than me .  I am poor because I cant game the system any better.  Give me no options…what the hell do I got.   You charmers …what are my incentives?  Your lot is to  incentify me to believe that your carots and sticks are the way of the world.  Tomorrow will bring you a better day…if I live that long.  Me, it will bring servitude

Many of the poor go along with such things.  The power of demonetization, and false prophets.

of note:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: American Exceptionalism ll

Posted in Commentary, current events, dominance, News, political analysis, Politics with tags , , , , , , , on August 26, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

A hell of a great country.  The rugged individual, the not so rugged individual can buck the system, pursue prurient dreams, become a hell of man, becomes a hell of a woman.

A hell of a great country.  Freedom is an aspiration.  Freedom of movement is an act from god.  Freedom of thought is an untarnished ideal of angels.  Freedom from fools is not always guaranteed.

Work hard and succeed….. when there is work.  Think hard and succeed…. when there is education.  Charge hard when the road is not blocked.  Charge harder when it is.  Go out in style when there is no pie left to divvy up.

The sacred images, the ideals, the kind hearts and coronets.  The dream lovely, lofty, a giant of a dream.  The pursuits of man, of woman, his or her path to greatness…the magnificent cause celeb in human events….. the chance.  The wonder, the magnificent wonder….inspired, inspiring, haunting.

Kill the suckers who fall down and are left behind.  Make the poor bastards go away and hide.  Play musical chairs with the musical entry into the shadowy image of the dwindling middle classes and see simple dreams thrown back into the faces of the believers.

Keep the chances coming.  Inherit the winds of change.  Ride the backs of the bucking broncs of toughness.  Stand for progress.  Stand for work, striving, the individual unfettered and left to fend for himself.  Tough can survive anything…even the lack of sustenance and the rings of fire around chance.  There should never be however that little help from ones friends…and ones friends need only be the ones that make one jump through the hoops submissiveness and do the dances of subservience.

Strive to let all keep heads high with respect golden and paths shining and out of hell.  No paths … grow a muscle.

Trickle down the follies of avarice.  Trickle them down and set up a pool for drowning.  Just watch out who ends in the pool in the end.  Tough is good.  Mean is better.

of interest:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: Vaudeville

Posted in current events, News, opinion, political analysis, political science, Politics with tags , , , , , , , on August 26, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

Vaudeville for ever.  Acts in time.

Policy choices, policy discussions, policy circuses, stances, beliefs ……  center stage.   A million barking dogs, grand contortionists, mighty plate spinners, soaring scripts,  headlining little tools …..the honor of the honor,  the flame of the flame.  Prance and sing, overripe shamelessness is a proud papa.  Gives birth to pollutable air.

With hand over heart, with status and acceptance, certainly and forever, the entertainment medium of politics.  The stuff that counts is gamed long before.  Most sturdily, public vaudeville staging pays the bills, gets sold as the stuff of the big show, the stuff matters.  Tis for the melody of the song, the farce of the comedy, the tempest of the flowing beauty of mother love, the dance of seven veils of misdirection. the fine chimeras veils of the great American epic.

Hell bent for leather all romps  endure in lightness and froth, existences imbedded, archaic, innately sparkling….  thrills of the stage, agonies of tired acts, horrors of the hook from the side…. the thrills of the moments when the act hits and self definition derives for ever.  Self aggrandizement is a wonderful prize.

Fine lines and deficient hoaxes come and go but the fine wines of salutary public approbations live forever.  Oh, the thrill of the applause.  The stone of a heart.

of note:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: Bias

Posted in Commentary, current events, dominance, opinion, political analysis, Politics with tags , , , , , , , on August 26, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

There is not really a deep bias towards simplicity and dullness in our political class.  It just seems that way because of that which they say and do.  There is not really a deep bias towards simplicity and dullness in our chattering class.  It merely seems that way because of that which they say and do.  They all open their mouths and do the Herculean deed of speaking in complete recognizable sentences.

There is not really a deep bias towards simplicity and dullness in our news and views class, our information and our attention span class.  It merely seems that way because of that which they say and do.    The proud delights of dumbing reinforcement abound in the proud delights of the snaking mantras of the sirens of the songs of bate and lust that are our daily bread.

There is not really a deep bias towards simplicity and dullness in our wants and dreams class.  It merely seems that way because of that which they say and do.  We are all tired souls who are too lazy not to dance with the ones what brung us and the one what brung us are useless and there.

There is not really a deep bias towards simplicity and dullness in our hunt for the joys and privileges of stroking more and more self satisfied glory hounds class.  It merely seems that way because of that which they say and do.   We who have the substance of air and the stability nitro glycerine salute the brave and the demure.

There is not really a deep bias towards simplicity and dullness in our minds, hearts,  listening habits, our sweet reason reason class.  That is accepted glory.  A bias towards form and substance, symmetry and verve, anything else would be treason.  Sentient beings and hard assed comeuppance to overt stupidity are a danger to survival.  God damn please a bias towards tough minded reason.

Of interest:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



Dominance Games: Gone with the wind

Posted in Commentary, dominance, News, opinion, political analysis, Politics with tags , , , , , , on August 26, 2011 by B Schiff

Dominance Games / Politics

Once upon a time there were honest to goodness people with honest to goodness feeling that individuals with honest to goodness stature and gravitas were not to be taken as or made to be the butts of jokes and labeled by the inbred dumb as far too staid, stentorian, measured, thoughtful, enlightened to be considered as anything other than a mad caricature of a certoonish high school principal or a needless boring uncle who seems to know too damned much.

Honor falls not today upon the worldly and wise.  Respect falls not today upon the responsible and true.  By definition, the elite, the worldly and wise are morally bankrupt elitists by nature, elitists by will, elitists insight, elitists by understanding.  Tinker with thought, gravitate towards deliberation, have not the fire in the belly to bay at the moon ….. be an abject failure and no excuse for a man.  Have headaches from unreasoned slogans in the thinking, let alone the telling and be a weak link in a dead chain

The self aggrandizing preeners who have the temerity to actually know some things that the happy dull populi do not are surly worth giving the mark of Cain.  Such folk are vile beyond their pretensions and their cystic flair.  They are of and for the useless drivel that respects things cultural and humanistic, realistic and tough.  learning, deliberation, knowledge, thought brought into the equations of hard decisions are for school girls and infants.

These are the constituencies of the non faithful, the questioners, the non didactic, the skeptics.  These are the weak sisters who are  that which the ignorant wish them to seem.

The future lies with those of action and certainty, those of bluff and megalomania, those of noxious speech and little respect for the quality of public discourse, the pandering to public nonsense.  The future lies with the vacant and the empty…… they have less to lose when they empty their heads in order to open their mouths.  Mostly nothing.

Also of note:

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…

